
Solidarity, Sister: Jessi

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jessica. Oh, Jessica. Jessi was one of my very first really good friends on this side of adulthood. There's a fine line between "young adult" friends and "We are getting old and things that used to be really fun just make me cranky now." She probably wouldn't word it this way... but it's the simplest variation I could think of. She and Jake were literally the only friends who weren't scared of our house in Odessa, and spent many a night at our table, eating Five Guys and talking about anything and everything. We used to have evening services at Stonegate, and it became a bit of a tradition to eat together at the Rosa's between Midland and Odessa each week. After the birth of each of our kids, Jake and Jess were at the front lines of the food deliveries, always thrilled to hold our babies and they always brought their own food to stay and hang out with us. Jess is 100% of the reason we live in Midland, as she sat down with Cody and tag teamed Jake on all of the reasons Midland was worth selling our house. We were at their house when ours finally sold, and we jumped and screamed and rejoiced together before we all chose a collective couch and napped. More recently, a newly pregnant Jessi and I sat together at a Coldplay concert, torn between feeling sorry for the drunk girl in front of us and videoing it to send into Ellen. I technically didn't know Jessi was pregnant that night, but watching her almost cry over Jake being unwilling to wait in a 3 hour line for Nachos was a pretty big indicator. She's raising two of the cutest little boys on the planet, and Hudson (her oldest) and Adam are growing up together in the same classes. It's going to be so sweet to watch their friendship blossom into a friendship like Jake and Cody share. And to also call each other back and forth on weekends to say "Is mine at your house?" They don't get a choice. They have to be best friends. All of this rambling I'm doing is rolling into one collective thought. Jessi is one the funniest, most creative, monogram loving, lover of all things southern, loyal people I know. I can go weeks or months (when one of us has a newborn) without talking to her, but when we do reconnect, it's like I've never gone a day without seeing the other. Those are the friendships you fight for. Also, anybody that can have an entire conversation with you using "The Office" or "New Girl" quotes only is somebody that you never let go of. Check out Jessi's view on #momlife. 

What is your motherhood mantra?
 Ummmm. (That's not it, I'm just thinking.) 
*I never actually got an answer for this. But hey, it could be something you relate to. 

What is the best advice you could give a first time mom?
Do what works for you. Don't be intimidated by Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest. Pray for wisdom to make the decisions that are right for your family. 

What's the most annoying advice you've received? 
Don't do CrossFit while you're pregnant. #alltheeyerolls 🙄

What is your favorite thing about your kids? 
Physically, Hudson's curly hair. And both our boys have these long beautiful eyelashes. Hatcher is pretty new, but I love Hudson's adventurous personality. It also gives me an anxiety attack several times a day. He loves to climb and has no sense of fear. I'm excited to see how it will manifest later. And I'm slightly scared. 

What's one thing you wish you could the "newborn mom" version of yourself? 
It goes by fast. Take lots of pictures and videos, and make sure you're in some. Take the help when people offer. I know a lot of people always say "Leave the laundry and the dishes. They can wait." Well, that stresses me out. So, I'll take some help to get those things done! Want to come hold my baby so I can do some laundry and take a shower? Yes, please!
*I feel like she meant to say "Have Kaylea do your Fresh 48s because they're the best."

Jake and Jessi are kind of entrepreneurs, and have all kinds of side businesses. Visit HERE for Jessi's Monogram shop or HERE for Jake's fitness line. I love you Russos! Thanks for being our friends, even when we lived in Odessa. 

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