
Solidarity, Sister: Anna

Thursday, May 25, 2017

If ever there were a woman that walked hand in hand with my version of motherhood, it's Anna Reed.  Like, I was going to take this little survey myself, but Anna's answers match mine so identically that I think I'm just going to leave it here with her. Anna is the 5 pound mother of FOUR boys, all close together, all oozing personality. Anna and I have a really weird friendship, as it consists mostly of texts and instagram likes, but I think it's just the season of life we're in. We're raising kids and eating little debbie treats after bedtime and laughing at sitcoms we watched before hurricane Motherhood took us out. Most of our conversations begin with "Tell me I'm not a bad Mom for *insert scenario*" or "I'm in bathtub eating Noosa and drinking wine." This text was completely made up and never actually sent. *cough* I love Anna, because I can text her and say "My kids are bringing out my inner psychopath today." and she responds with a GIF or a witty remark that makes me exhale and trudge on. I love Anna because she understands the trenches. She understands the occasional longing for a time when my time was my own. She understands that this season is beautiful, but sometimes you just want to explode internally and run away to clear waters and fruity drinks. She knows that sometimes, your kids are just turds. There's no deeper meaning, there's no opportunity to teach them the better choices... you just pat their heads and tuck them in. You start again tomorrow. I love Anna, because our focus is raising our kids today, believing that the way we respond will make them funny and witty. That sometimes our "kid friendly" cuss words actually end up being pronounced as real cuss words. This really happened to me. I love Anna because she knows that the grace of Jesus covers a multitude of sins, including the ones we make as Moms. Feeling inadequate is such a lie from the pit of hell. We talk ourselves into this horrible state of believing that our kids are being robbed of the mother they deserve, when Jesus has given us everything we need for today. THIS DAY. Today is the motherhood I'm focused on mastering, and He has blessed us with Little Debbie and Ben and Jerry to carry us through the dark days. Anna, I love you. I love that when you say "Solidarity, Sister" you are referencing both our battle cry and Gilmore Girls. Thank you for these amazing words that hit me right where I needed to hear them. I love your boys, and I am currently making a Pinterest board for Boone and Ella's wedding. They just fit. Check out Anna's motherhood!

What is your motherhood mantra?
His grace covers it all. Also, it's okay to watch 'too much' TV & eat lots of ice cream. Also, PRAISE THE LORD for ice cream. 
I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom. 

What is the best advice you could give a first time mom?
As a WOH, part-time homeschooling, mom of 4: it's okay to do your own thing. Figure out what works for your family & don't worry if it looks different. Everyone and their Grandma (& probably your own Grandma) will tell how to do the things - but they aren't your kid's Momma. God chose YOU for those babies & He will equip you. Don't be afraid to try something new. Ask for help. Have alone/quiet time. (I don't mean a Bible study, you should do that too, but you can read your Bible with your kids climbing all over you. Take a few minutes daily/weekly, whatever you can carve out, to do what YOU like: workout, or cook without 'helpers', or watch Real Housewives in your bathrobe, whatever makes you holla honey boo boo. And don't feel guilty about it. There is no such thing as too many baby snuggles, but it's also okay to put your baby down to dust or shower - sanity in motherhood is a plus. RELAX! Everything is going to be fine. Say yes to your kids more (but not always); Yes, you can build a fort with every pillow in the house; Yes, you can get play-do all over my kitchen table; Yes, you can stir the mac & cheese; Yes, you can have Cheetos when you finish your dessert; Yes you can pick out your own clothes even when we go in public; No, don't do headstands on the toilet. Everything in moderation. Lastly, do yourself a favor & teach them to like what you like, our kids are connoisseurs of 1980's & 90's movies & cartoons and I have never felt like I was missing out on Bubble Guppies. 

What's the most annoying advice you've received?
A few days before my induction date for Topher (firstborn), I ran in to the father of an acquaintance at Hobby Lobby who happens to work in the (non-OBGYN) medical field, and upon hearing our plans to induce proceeded to tell me all the horrors of Pitocin & epidurals, including but not limited to "If you get induced you will rip more!" Cool bruh, thanks for that terrifying visual. For the record, he was wrong so how bow dah. #epiduralisagiftfromtheLORD

What  is your favorite thing about your kids?
Besides that they are all too adorable for words & have the best hair in the land, I LOVE how they love each other. They are all best buds & it melts my heart every single day. I love the sound of their laughter. I love how they talk, like how they pronounce certain words & use grown up vocabulary. I love their freckles & birth marks. I love how creative and clever they are. They are independent and have great taste in music. I have to apologize to them often and they shower me with grace every single time. They are unbelievably generous with compliments too: "You are the best Mommy of all the Mommies in the whole world." "You is the prettiest gurl." "Mom is SO nice!" "I wuv yous chubby cheeks!" I don't deserve them and they inspire me to be better & gentler.  

What's one thing you wish you could tell the "newborn mom" version of yourself?
You are doing a good job, but be humble, this is the easy part. Life only gets better from here- rejoice, enjoy, soak up the present! You can do tough things. Chin up buttercup- parenting gets harder as the kids get older but the rewards get sweeter too. Read more. Hug your Grandma. Have fun! Not everything has to be serious & educational & extra spiritual, His grace is big enough to cover the all things you will miss or forget. 

I didn't take this photo, but I love it! Thanks Anna. You're my best text friend. 

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