
Sara is FINALLY engaged!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, in a tiny town in Texas, there lived one of the sweetest little country boys around...We'll call him Gustin Jarrett. Gustin was in love with a girl named... Fara... and dated her for literally ten million years. Eventually, their beloved friends and family began to tease about when the two would get engaged. A year or so later, the teasing became legitimate questioning. Then the questioning became righteous anger. 

Eventually, a certain number of months later, a certain photographer... let's call her Baylea... intervened. She started viciously harassing Gustin about proposing, and exactly five hundred years later, he text her one day. "Hey, it's going down on Sunday. Wanna be my picture taker?" and then Baylea fell down dead in the floor. May she rest in peace.

Of course, none of this story is real. It was just a short story.

Except it was partially true. I'm still in total shock that SARA IS FINALLY ENGAGED! I was so happy and elated and blessed to capture the whole thing. That Justin. You made it all worth the wait. You little charmer, you. 

This was the set-up. This question mark was made by Justin and I get weepy each time I look at it. One of their family members remarked that the same question mark could be used at a gender reveal for a future baby Garrett. And I'm basically still in a puddle on the floor. 

Because what is life without a ring shot? On a bible. In a horse shoe. STOP IT, JUSTIN.

Sara saw me and instantly started crying. She knew what was happening. We've both informed Justin over the past ten million years that if he didn't call me when he proposed, she would say no. Fortunately for us, he didn't call our bluff. 

Sara had no chill, and it was adorable. 

About this point, Sara looked up and into the barn and saw her ENTIRE FAMILY there watching the whole thing go down. It's my very favorite picture of the night. 

Hi, family!

Then we of course took some portraits with the world's most photogenic horse, the sunset, and her man's handy work. It was the perfect proposal. Done at just the perfect time. Despite our grumblings. Stay tuned for more of these two! Their engagements will be stunning... cause, I mean, look at them.


  1. Absolutely amazing!!! What a wonderful man. And for Farah (well I know her real name) she is so beautiful inside and out that these two are God's work. Congratulations and may God Bless you both forever!!!!
    Love you! Your cousin, Darla.

  2. Aww thank you so much for this!!!! Can't wait for Justin to officially join our crazy family. 😍
    ❤️Aunt Heather
