

Why should I hire a birth photographer?
Just like a wedding day, the birth of your baby is one of the most important days of your life. Labor and Delivery is an insane process that feels eternal, but is something that truly flies by in the grand scheme of motherhood. It's true that most mothers will never forget the moment that they saw their baby for the first time, but so often we're robbed of the little moments before. The intimacy shared between partners during and after contractions. The intensity and strength in the way you handled each and every contraction. The beauty in owning your body in those moments. The relief that washes over you when you hear that sweet little cry for the first time. The joy on your face when you see the little feet that have kept you awake for 9 months. When you book a birth photographer, you're given the sweet gift of reliving your birth experience. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the miraculous... every little emotion. Having professional birth photographs can help give those memories life for years to come.

What happens if I need a C-Section?
A birth photographer is generally welcomed during most natural births. It will be at the complete discretion of your doctor as to whether I am allowed in the operating room for a C-Section. If you book a birth and ultimately end your birth story with a cesarean section, I'll still be there to capture your labor, and you will still receive images of all of those beautiful moments in recovery and post-partum. I'll also give you a complimentary Fresh 48 session, which you can read about HERE. There will not be any refunds for a birth that ends in a C-Section.

When do you arrive?
I like to arrive when my clients are in active labor. My goal is always to be at the hospital when you reach 7 cm. If you are not being checked, I come when you have a pattern of contractions that you can't talk or walk through. I will respect your privacy and will only be in the room when you ask me to be.

How long do you stay?
I stay 1 hour postpartum. I like to take pictures of the newborn exam, your first experience breastfeeding, and your partner holding the baby for the first time. If you are interested in further coverage (arrival of siblings, grandparents, etc...we can add that to your package).

What happens if you miss the birth?
Like anything else in parenthood, birth is unpredictable! I make every effort to arrive with enough time to capture your labor, birth, and first hours together. In the event of whirlwind labor, I still aim to tell your story. I'll stay as long as I need to get beautiful images of your post-partum experience. The price will be discounted to that of a Fresh 48.

How many images can I expect?
I deliver between 100-150 professionally edited images. The exact number depends on the unique length and unfolding of your labor and delivery.

Do you share every birth on social media?
Sharing these photos is the absolute highlight of my job. Ideally, yes! I will blog and share about your birth. However, I absolutely respect your wish to keep this experience private. During our consultation, we'll discuss exactly what you do or don't want shared. I will always honor your requests for privacy. 

How many births do you take each month?
3 births per month, so long as those due dates don't pile on top of each other.  
I book out 3-4 months in advance. Don't hesitate to contact me to get your name on my calendar. If you're contacting me near the end of your pregnancy, please know that last-minute spots do open up.

What is your pricing?
Birth photography is an investment, but one that I can guarantee you won't regret. Birth Packages begin at 750.00

Can we get together to meet first?
This is actually a requirement when you book your birth with me. It will be helpful for me as your photographer to know you before I walk into your room in the heat of labor. We'll be able to go over your hopes and dreams for your birth photography experience, and I won't question any pictures that I take that day. The meeting will be short and sweet, and you'll get a free coffee out of the deal. What more could you ask for?

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