
Micheal and Donica

Thursday, April 20, 2017

To make a really long story short, Donica's sister is one of my favorite people in the universe, even more so now that she's set me up to photograph an amazing ceremony with amazing light and one of the best brides around. I mean, Michael is probably pretty great too, but I don't talk to him *quite* as often as I do to Donica.

The day of this engagement session, the weather was glorious. I was still reeling a bit from a maternity session that was INSANE with winds, and I was anxious all day to get out and shoot in the calmer weather. It is, of course, my luck that while driving to the shoot, clouds rolled in, winds blew, and rain fell. 

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! (Mama Mia, mama Mia, let me go....)," I yelled, while high fiving my nod to Freddie. 

I pulled up to the shoot, gave it my best (unconvincing) "Everything is fine." And we hauled... booty... across the field to knock these out while there was a break in the rain. Gradually we all relaxed, as the weather stayed dark and windy, but the precipitation passed. We laughed at my terrible jokes, how long I made them hold poses while I adjusted light every three seconds, and at the cruelty of the wind ruining EVERYTHING. 

In the grand scheme of things, the shoot came together beautifully. It broke the ice well, and I couldn't be more excited to shoot this wedding in July!  


Remember that amazing maternity session from a few months back? Stunning blonde in the red dress? Adorable bloodhound? Seemingly clever photoshop effects that were actually the result of the grand Texas wind? 

I have amazing news. About a month later, sweet Cason was born, and in doing so, melted me to my core. We had grand hopes for a fresh 48, but as fate would have it, the stars never aligned. However, Two weeks later, I nestled a fluffy haired boy in my arms and we shot the most adorable newborns. 

I never would have pegged Brooke as a first time Mom. She trusted me to do my job and take care of her sweet boy. She didn't hover, she didn't panic when he cried... just sat quietly in her rocker and said "Let me know if I can help." It was a dream. 

It's kind of a given that peace accompanies looking into the face of a sleeping newborn, but to keep Cason asleep, Brooke had a worship playlist in the background. We hummed along, and there was such a special presence in the room. It reassured me that Jesus will always come down to meet us. No matter where we are. Physically or spiritually. One line of one of the songs jumped out at me while we were shooting, and I had the song on repeat while editing. 

"Let us become more aware of Your presence. Let us experience the glory of your goodness..."

I honestly can't think of a better way to approach parenthood or life in general. I also know that I'll never hear that song without thinking of this sweet boy ever again. Even 50 years from now. 

I love you, Brooke! Thanks for letting me love on that boy! 

Also, see that portrait of Merle? Her brother DREW IT WITH HIS BARE HANDS... I mean, there was probably some form of art utensil involved, but I am AMAZED every time I look at it.

Fresh 48s

Monday, April 17, 2017

I've had a lot of inquiries about my Fresh 48s, and most of them inquiring as to what they actually are. Hence, a blog post dedicated SOLELY TO FRESH 48S. And contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with the first 48 hours following a murder.

First and foremost, a Fresh 48 IS NOT a newborn session. I don't bring any props. No baskets, blankets, suitcases, or equipment outside of my camera. I don't trapeze through your house looking for the best light. I don't sit on the couch and wait for your baby to fall into a deep sleep. Every single picture is taken in the hospital, while your baby is still pink and Milia free. This almost always guarantees a shoot within the first 48 hours. See where that catchy title is coming from?

Most of these images are black and white. The main reason for this is that I believe these images are meant to tell a story. They're made to be raw and vulnerable. Black and white allows a certain conviction that I can't be swayed away from. Another reason is that while some babies are perfectly pink, other babies can be yellow like sunshine, or red like roses, and black and white photos are very forgiving of these tendencies.

This doesn't mean that I don't allow color in every now and again. And it doesn't mean that EVERY IMAGE will be black and white.

I know what you're thinking. "I'm going to be so exhausted and I'm going to look like crap." Maybe you will. Maybe you won't. I've had Moms go all out and put all of their make up on. I've had Moms wear their exhaustion with pride. I've had Moms throw on mascara and leave their hair a mess. Want to know the common ground? The images are still breathtaking. No matter what. The baby steals the show every time.

That bottom one is me. I was an exhausted and proud mom. Still my favorite image of all the newborn shoots we did with our first. That picture is actually what inspired these sessions that I'm so determined to get off of the ground. I love the image. I love the intimacy, exhaustion, and pride all wrapped up in one picture. It's motherhood in a nutshell.

These pictures always end up being so romantic and worthwhile. The hospital euphoria that accompanies a newborn reminds you of how deeply you love your spouse and how committed you are to this covenant vow, especially now with two little eyes watching you. I love capturing that renewed promise in the hours following the birth of a baby.

Geesh, I could share pictures of these shoots all day. I'm so passionate about them, but really there are a few things that I need you to know about them.

  • These take thirty minutes, TOPS. I'm not there to do a newborn session. I do them as quickly and efficiently as possible, and I don't do anything you're uncomfortable with. I've captured truly stunning images of Moms nursing their babies, but I've also waited in the hall while they wrapped up a feed.
  • You'll do your best to talk yourself out of them when you get to the hospital. I know better than anyone how exhausting birth is. But I can also guarantee that you will not regret letting me come and capture the calm before the storm. Every client that I've done these for has either 1. Opted out of actual newborns because they love these so much, or 2. Still loved these more than the newborns. These are the pictures that get printed first.
I feel like this covers the gist. If you have any questions about packages or how the whole process works, feel free to email or message me on Facebook. I'll be happy to answer any additional questions!